SOUTH SOUND 911 REQUEST FOR BIDS Specification No. 15-01-315 Google

SOUTH SOUND 911 REQUEST FOR BIDS Specification No. 15-01-315 Google Maps API South Sound 911 (SS911) is accepting BIDS for the above solicitation. Submittals will be received until 2:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Savings Time, July 24, 2015, at which time they will be opened by a Purchasing representative. Preliminary submittal results and names of vendors submitting bids will be posted to (Agency/ Budget & Finance/ Purchasing) by close of business the day of bid opening. Bids submittals must contain the words "Specification 15-01-315 Bid" and be delivered to the SS911 Budget and Finance Department, 955 Tacoma Avenue South, Suite 102, Tacoma, WA 98402. Delivered submittals will be date and time stamped only at the SS911 Budget and Finance Department. All bids must be received prior to the stated deadline. Complete solicitation documents are available for download and viewing at (Agency/ Budget & Finance/ Purchasing). Project Scope: South Sound 911 is seeking bids from qualified entities for Google Maps API for Business, 12month license and support (GM-1ASOTH-12MO-OEM). No substitutes will be allowed. Bid should be priced per asset in pricing tiers (i.e., 1-1000, 1001-5000, etc.) and include a price for overages. Minimum order quantity, if any, must be specified. All fees and charges must be specified in bid, including description and rate for each. Estimate: 1,667 asset. $10,000 Additional information regarding the specifications may be obtained by contacting Mary Schindler, Financial Specialist, at 253-798-7232 for general purchasing information. Janet Caviezel Budget & Finance Manager, SS911 Meeting sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities can be arranged with 48 hours advance notice by calling 253-798-3911. July 8