“Violations of state and federal care regulations at Clearview Manor Health and Rehab Center in Tacoma have been corrected sufficiently to lift a stop placement order, allowing the nursing home to admit new residents.The state Department of Social and Health Services had barred the facility from accepting residents following an inspection by state surveyors. The surveyors had found the center was not in substantial compliance with Medicare and Medicaid requirements and a stop placement ordered on admissions was imposed on June 7. The home had been found deficient in the categories of Quality of Care, Nursing Services, and Administration.DSHS enforces federal Medicaid, Medicare and state licensing requirements for approximately 280 nursing homes statewide. As part of the enforcement process, department surveyors investigate complaints and conduct regular unannounced inspections at nursing homes.The 115-bed nursing home serves Medicaid, Medicare and private-pay residents. It is owned and operated by Beverly Enterprises – Wash Inc.”