Students from Foss and Meadowdale high schools and the New Market Skills Center in Lacey will participate Saturday, Feb. 23, in the 2002 YMCA Mock Trial Competition in the County-City Building, 930 Tacoma Ave. S., Tacoma.
Competition starts at 8:30 a.m., and the public is invited to observe.
Mock Trial Competition allows students to play the roles of attorneys, witnesses and bailiffs in a courtroom setting. The students prepare in advance to argue both sides of a hypothetical case. Judicial panelists made up of area judges, attorneys and community members will select the winning teams and choose the best individual student lawyer and witness for special recognition. The winning team will move on to the state competition in Olympia in late March.
Volunteer judges for the local competition will include Superior Court Judges Sergio Armijo, Frank Cuthbertson and Katherine Stolz; District Court Judges Ron Culpepper and David Kenworthy; and Municipal Court Judges Jack Emery and Elizabeth Verhey.
Pierce County Superior Court is sponsoring local competition in the statewide Mock Trial, a program of YMCA Youth and Government. The program is jointly sponsored by the District and Municipal Court Judges Association, the Office of the Administration for the Courts, the Superior Court Judges Association, the Washington State Trial Lawyers Association, and the Young Lawyers Division of the Washington State Bar Association.
Students to compete at mock trial this weekend
Tags: County Superior Court, County-City Building, David Kenworthy, District and Municipal Court Judges Association, Elizabeth Verhey, Frank Cuthbertson, Jack Emery, Katherine Stolz, lawyer, New Market Skills Center, Office of the Administration for the Courts, Pierce County Superior Court, Ron Culpepper, Sergio Armijo, Superior Court Judges Association, Washington State Bar Association, Washington State Trial Lawyers Association, Young Lawyers Division