“Tacoma City CouncilStudy SessionNoon, Tuesday April 18, 2000Room 16, Municipal Building728 St. Helens AvenueTacomaI-200, City Computer Upgrade and Power From the PeopleDuring a joint Council and Public Utility Board session, City staff will continue a presentation on how the City is implementing Initiative 200.One proposal is to focus selection criteria for City vendors on size and location of the contracting firm rather than race and gender of the owners. Another idea is a pilot program creating a list of companies to do public works projects under $25,000.The Council will likely take action on this issue later this year.Also during the session, the City and Utility Board will get the first status report on efforts to replace the City’s business hardware and software systems. A team is assessing needs in utility customer billing, financial management, human resources and work management systems.The City has hired a consultant to help evaluate technology needs and choose vendors for new systems. System changes will begin in 2001-2002.Tacoma Power will also discuss a proposed program to allow customers to donate small amounts of money each month above the amount of their bill toward supporting sustainable, renewable and environmentally certified power resources.Tacoma City CouncilCouncil Meeting5:00 p.m., Tuesday April 18Room 16, Municipal Bldg. N.728 St. Helens AvenueTacomaRescue Mission May MoveTacoma’s largest homeless shelter may soon have a new home. Under an ordinance up for vote, the City would buy the Tacoma Rescue Mission property at 1510 Pacific Avenue for $950,000. The City would also loan the Mission up to $3 million in short-term financing and invest $1,155,000 in permanent financing in exchange for providing services for Tacoma’s homeless for another 20 years.Convention Center DesignThe M.A. Mortenson Company of Bellevue may receive a $2,150,000 contract for predevelopment of the new Tacoma Convention Center. The Council will take testimony and vote on a resolution to hire the firm to begin work on the center and create a master plan for the site.The company is one of two to submit proposals to build the convention center and plan other development on the convention center site.Construction of the convention center is slated to begin summer 2001.Doggie Do – Doggie Don’tThe Council will vote on an ordinance that would make it a civil infraction not to clean up a pet’s waste on public property. The ordinance would encourage owners to take responsibility for their animals by assessing civil penalties to owners who don’t clean up messes in public places.The punishment for each infraction would be $50. The fine would not apply to a guide or service dog in harness.”
"Tacoma City Council Agenda News for Tuesday, April 18, 2000"
Tags: Center DesignThe M.A. Mortenson Company, City and Utility Board, consultant, Doggie Don'tThe Council, financial management, Municipal Bldg., N.728 St. Helens AvenueTacomaRescue Mission, One, Public Utility Board, software systems, Tacoma City, Tacoma Rescue Mission, technology needs, USD, work management