Tacoma Junior League moves downtown

After 10 years in the Stadium District, the Junior League of Tacoma has relocated to the heart of the city — namely, a storefront on Pacific Ave. downtown.

“We needed to expand the store,” says Lori Bonvicini, chair of the organization’s relocation committee, “and we have double the retail space here.” The new location at 1003 Pacific Ave. will open Mar. 15 and house the group’s office and resale store. The location has been vacant for approximately one year, and once housed offices for Sound Transit.

The Junior League of Tacoma is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Founded in 1930, The Second Closet is the Junior League of Tacoma’s upscale resale store. Its purposes are to provide a continuing source of income for the Junior League of Tacoma; to provide a service to the community by selling quality merchandise at reasonable prices; to donate merchandise to non-profit organizations in need; and to provide the volunteers with experience in business operations and management.

Items available for purchase have been donated by Junior League members, sustainers and friends throughout the year. Inventory includes items ranging from children’s clothing, to office dress, to formal attire and home furnishings. League members work shifts at the shop assisting in sorting, tagging and marking the merchandise.

For more information, visit the Junior League of Tacoma online at http://www.jltacoma.org/.