Pierce County will hold its third set of public meetings on Tacoma Narrows Airport’s master plan update in Gig Harbor next week.
“Requirements for both the airside and landside of the airport will be considered,” said Pierce County Public Works and Utilities airport and ferry administrator Deb Wallace. “For the landside, that could include the type and number of hangars, terminal facilities, and water system upgrades. For the airside, it could include incorporating new technology, parking apron improvements, and runway configuration. We will also begin to discuss development alternatives. This discussion and evaluation will continue at our next meeting, tentatively scheduled for November.”
The Planning Advisory Committee, made up of representatives from the aviation community, businesses, local and state government and more, will meet on Weds., Sept. 4 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cottesmore of Life Care Cafe, 2909 14th Ave. NW, in Gig Harbor. An open house will be held the same day from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Gig Harbor City Hall, 3510 Grandview St., in Gig Harbor. Both meetings are open to the public.
During a series of five meetings this year and next year, the county and stakeholders will evaluate the current state of the airport as well as potential alternatives to determine how best to meet the community’s long-term development needs. Future airport improvements will be planned to maximize their eligibility for federal funding. The 20-year improvement plan will provide guidelines for future airport development that will satisfy aviation demand and be financially feasible and operationally effective, while addressing safety, environmental, and community issues. This will be the first master plan update since Pierce County purchased the airport from the City of Tacoma in 2008. The last master plan update was completed in 2003.
More information is available online at piercecountywa.org/tacomanarrows.