Tacoma Rainiers job fair March 13

On Sat., March 13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Tacoma Rainiers will be holding their annual game day staff job fair at the Hotel Murano, 1320 Broadway Plaza. There are a number of different positions that need to be filled including parking, ushers, concessions, gift shop, and ticket takers.

Last year’s job fair saw a record turnout of almost 800 people and 1,000 applications. This year, the Rainiers will be looking to hire between 150 and 200 employees.

“In a relatively down economy, it is great for us to be able to hire on such a large number of great people,” said Rainiers president, Aaron Artman. “We get a ton of qualified applicants every year. People who grew up in Tacoma coming to Rainiers games at Cheney Stadium, get a chance to come on board with the team and help to generate the same experience they love as fans.”

Fun Squad auditions will be held as well. The Rainiers are seeking energetic, dynamic people who will be highly visible at all Rainiers home games and in the community. The Fun Squad works closely with the Rainiers mascot Rhubarb and participates nightly in in-game promotions and skits while at the same time interacting with the fans.

There are even job interviews for reindeer, with the team holding mascot try outs for Rhubarb, the reindeer mascot.

To download a description of open positions, click here — http://tacoma.rainiers.milb.com/documents/2010/03/03/8667120/1/2010_Job_Descriptions.doc .

To download a job application, click here — http://tacoma.rainiers.milb.com/documents/2010/03/04/8672282/1/Application_for_Game_Day_Employment.doc .