Tacoma’s Museum of Glass has announced the appointment of Susan Warner as Deputy Director/Curator. Warner joined Museum of Glass as the Director of Education in February 2001, prior to the Museum’s official opening in 2002. In 2006, Warner was appointed Director of Public Programs, overseeing the curatorial, education and Hot Shop departments, and in 2009 appointed Deputy Director.
As Deputy Director/Curator, Warner will be responsible for developing the Museum’s multi-year exhibition schedule and developing exhibition content that is both scholarly and accessible for the Museum’s dynamic traveling exhibition program. Warner will work with the Museum’s curatorial, Hot Shop and education departments, as well as with artists, collectors, educators and museums, in researching and developing narrative materials for all exhibitions. Warner will also be responsible for the Visiting Artist Residency Program in consultation with the Museum’s Lead Hot Shop Gaffer, Benjamin Cobb. She will work jointly with Museum of Glass Director/CEO Tim Close as the staff liaison to the Museum’s Collections Committee, chaired by Trustee George H. Weyerhaeuser, Jr.
Warner’s education work has been honored by the City of Tacoma, with an Art at Work award (2003), and Antioch University’s Horace Mann Award (2007, alumni category). Prior to joining Museum of Glass, Warner was Director of Education at the Seattle Children’s Museum. She also served as Curator of Education at the State Capital Museum in Olympia and as Assistant Curator, Curator of Decorative Arts at the Dayton Art Institute. Her early career included extensive curatorial work in collection management and exhibition development. In the early 1990s, Warner made the transition to museum education. In 1997, she received Washington State’s Gold Apple Award for Excellence in Education and, in 1998, she accepted a Coming Up Taller award for her program, The Experimental Gallery. Born in Geita, Tanzania, Warner earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Southampton University in England and a Master of Arts in Education from Antioch University in Seattle.