My take on some news items I’ve come across recently. Plus, I make fun of France!
The holiday season begins this Thursday with Halloween. Here are some survival tips.
Dana Greenlee has a conversation with local futurologist Glen Hiemstra.
Tiny canines with big mouths have been irking me lately.
In the interest of preventing more ridiculous lawsuits in the future, I present a list of activities – other than…
A gal who smoked for 40 years – all the while knowing it was bad for her – is awarded…
The transforming power of the Web, as well as security/privacy issues are the topics of this Saturday’s program.
I mourn the loss of the grilled chicken sandwich. I promised myself (sniff) I wouldn’t cry…
Less than 34 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot in last week’s primary.
Don’t be a “Tag Line Jeopardy” loser, Part 2.
The Mac vs. PC debate rages on.
Communism, ads for remote control underwear and e-mails from a guy more paranoid than Oliver Stone are just some of…
A talk with expert Marie Tahir on best of breed Web site design tips, Part I.