Tacoma City Councilmembers are scheduled Nov. 24 to consider a resolution that would designate the Urban Grace Church, located at…
The City of Tacoma’s Landmarks Preservation Commission is scheduled to hear a presentation Aug. 26 in support of adding the…
In a city like Tacoma, where it’s difficult to walk through a neighborhood without passing beneath the classical columns or…
Members of Tacoma’s Landmarks Preservation Commission joined Wedge residents and property owners yesterday on a walking tour of a proposed…
Beginning today and continuing through Dec. 30, the Index will feature a four-part series looking back at some of the…
In honor of historic preservation in Tacoma, the Landmarks Preservation Commission has released its list of 2008 Outstanding Achievement in…
When local property owners embark on a process to put their heritage properties on the City of Tacoma’s register of…