The probe into the late Tacoma Police Chief goes on under the WASPC. The City Council formally places Ray Corpuz…
Pressure was growing on Ray Corpuz to step aside during an investigation into the Brame case.
This week’s study session and regular council meeting agenda.
City Manager Ray Corpuz doesn’t want a hint of bias in the investigation of last weekend’s tragic shootings.
Fallout continues following the late Chief David Brame’s shooting of his wife and his subsequent suicide.
Study session: Council members say they support the economic development initiative, but have tough questions for Deputy City Manager James…
Brame reportedly wanted couseling before shooting his wife and then taking his own life this past Saturday.
Though I barely knew Chief Brame, that didn’t make his actions on Saturday any less difficult to comprehend.
The City Council’s agenda for this week’s study session and regular meeting.
Five Tacoma crime fighting Superstars are recognized at the organization’s fundraising luncheon.
Study session: The City Council and city manager face hard choices in filling Tacoma’s $19 million hole.
A giant American flag is raised and a peace globe is unveiled at yesterday’s Harbor Flag Dedication ceremony remembering the…
City Council members and the public are updated on the project during a City Council study session.