Law enforcement officers who began removing impaired drivers from Pierce County roads Thanksgiving Day are urging potential drinking drivers to…
While many last weekend were celebrating Mother’s Day and looking forward to Father’s Day, Jonathon and Karla Wayman were getting…
The Fife Police Department and 10 other law enforcement agencies arrested 11 motorists Sat., Nov. 1 for DUI during a…
As ghosts and goblins wind their way through the streets this weekend, the Tacoma Pierce County DUI Task Force will…
The City of Fife announces the controlled burning of a former motel that was previously shut down by the city…
Two traffic studies conducted last year by the Fife Police Department have raised concerns about the safety of container trucks…
This weekend, officers in Pierce County will be joining their counterparts from the other nine counties surrounding Puget Sound to…
The City Council approved a pair of interlocal agreements July 26 related to prostitution and vice. The first agreement with the…
1. Interlocal agreements could pave way for vice task force 2. Council to consider re-instating, revising political sign code 3….
Kaiser Aluminum was the site of the mock scenario.