University of Washington Tacoma officials announced Tuesday the Green Building Certification Institute has awarded LEED Platinum certification — the highest…
Tacoma firefighters responded Sunday at 11:45 a.m. to a report of a hazardous condition on the Murray Morgan Bridge. First…
The Pierce County Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission is scheduled Tues., May 10 at 5:30 p.m. to conduct a site…
The LeMay Museum has announced it will break ground on its $58 million facility Thurs., June 10 during a public…
Members of City Council are scheduled April 20 to consider a resolution that would authorize a loan agreement with the…
The LeMay Museum Board of Directors announced today it has appointed JTM Construction as the general contractor to oversee the…
The Board of Building Appeals currently needs to fill two positions. The board strives for diverse expertise among its members…
It’s been a good week for the folks behind the LeMay Car Museum. After years of planning and fund-raising, museum…
You are invited to join Executive Pat McCarthy and other county officials on Fri., Feb. 27 at 10 a.m., as…
Pierce County officials are prepared to formally mark the opening of the Pierce County Annex West, located at 2501 S….