Pierce County officials celebrated the completion of a new crosswalk in Key Center with a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday morning.
Major improvements to the intersection of Key Peninsula Highway KPN, Olson Drive KPN and Cramer Road KPN in the Key…
Plans for major improvements to the intersection of Key Peninsula Highway KPN, Olson Drive KPN and Cramer Road KPN in…
If you live in Pierce County, you can recycle your Christmas tree through programs offered by Pierce County and its…
The Ninth Annual Gig Harbor Garden Tour will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 24. This self-guided…
Pierce County residents are advised not to place tree branches and other windstorm debris at the curb, because it won’t…
1. District Court offers amnesty for delinquent accounts 2. Salmon habitat map/poster wins award
1. County faces mental health funding woes Jan. 1 2. Resolve to recycle your Christmas tree 3. Farm Advisory Commission…
1. Key Peninsula Community Plan open house set for Dec. 14 2. Death of Wallace Ramsdell
“At its board meeting this Monday, Pierce Transits Board of Commissioners adopted the 2000 budget, including reductions in bus and…