City Council members are scheduled during the Aug. 23 study session to hear a presentation from representatives from the Puget…
Proponents of the SR 704 Cross-Base Highway project scored a victory when a congressman who holds the key for transportation…
Digging near major petroleum and natural-gas pipelines without taking proper precautions will be a criminal offense and carry a stiff…
1. District Court offers amnesty for delinquent accounts 2. Salmon habitat map/poster wins award
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) presented the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound (BGCPS) a $250,000 federal checkon…
Gold first wove together the economies of Alaska and Puget Sound in the late 1800s. The discovery of oil, the…
Survey: Employers had trouble finding qualified job applicants in 2003.
There’s a Jan. 6 deadline for those affected by the October storms and flooding.
Tacoma: An active fault line below the city is more extensive than previously thought.
These acts will be the first to perform on the new amphitheater.
Pierce County Executive John Ladenburg will be vice president.
Fantasy Lights and Zoolights open to the public.
The fifth annual “Surround the Sound” gets drunk drivers off the streets.