Faculty from across University of Washington Tacoma and a variety of guests from the public and private sectors will speak…
Media conglomerates rejoiced in 2003 when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled to relax rules restricting media ownership, permitting companies…
Want to listen to Internet audio programs but can’t figure out when they are scheduled? Adam Curry, one of the…
While this time of year always brings out many technology predictions for the new year, the last five of my…
Have you noticed there’s a lack of the most disturbing footage of the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history? Maybe…
The editor goes off on another one of his interrogative tirades.
A talk with company director Brooks Jackson about why that’s not a contradiction in terms during this election year.
Despite the decisive passage of Initiative 200 in 1998, some in the state Legislature want to reintroduce race as a…
I look into my crystal ball in a lame attempt to ascertain the future.
Sticking a pejorative label on the conservative radio talk-show host is a lot easier than responding to what he really…