The city joins over 300 other World Trade Centers around the world focusing on unity and the promotion of international…
Washington’s 9th District representative talks about the SST 2002, the Internet in politics and more.
The nation’s 49th state and “America’s #1 Wired” city are economic partners.
National, regional and local officials will be on hand to discuss these topics and more.
Representatives from South Korea, Hungary, Vietnam – and possibly Turkey – will come to the city during the month of…
Tacoma’s Washington Architectural Hardware enjoys stable growth during difficult economic times.
Among other items, the Port of Tacoma will move ahead with its Hylebos cleanup, trade statistics are released and the…
Port extension, a rating upgrade and a planned ‘State of the Port’ presentation highlight this month’s report.
Tacoma and Pierce County set up a phone number for people to call regarding suspicions of and questions about terrorist…
“Sailing up and down the blue waters of Commencement Bay are ships, tankers, freighters and boats traveling to and from…
“The economic forecast for Pierce County is excellent, according to every speaker in attendance at the Horizons 2001-and the beat…
“In 1994, shipright Mike Vlahovick invited fishermen from Tacoma and Gig Harbor to have a parade and drop in at…
“McGowan Advertising, Inc., located in Lakewood, was recently selected as a winner in the national 2000 American Graphic Design Awards…