Pierce County is among the state’s fastest growing counties, and the effects of population growth are evident. More than 200,000…
Three proposals designed to put the shuttered Phoebe House at 1419 S. Yakima Ave. back into operation by affordable housing…
Tacoma City Councilmember Mike Lonergan was chosen Aug. 1 to become the new executive director of Christian Brotherhood Academy, a…
1. City may sell property next to Union Station for $1.2 million 2. Fire code permit fees could increase under…
See what’s on the County Council’s agenda this week.
Take a look at what’s on your County Council’s agenda for this week’s meeting.
Proving it’s better to give than to receive, members of Curtis High School’s NJROTC are hard at work helping the…
Three new City Council members were also sworn in at yesterday’s Tacoma City Council meeting.
Tacoma City Council Study Session Noon,Tuesday, January 8, 2002 Tacoma Municipal Building North 728 St. Helens Ave. Water Rate Policy…
“At right are celebrity bell ringers Phil Carter, YMCA, and Jerrilynn Hadley, with T. Dickson Law Firm. Tuesday was a…
The City of Tacoma will honor six individuals and four organizations at the 14th annual City of Destiny awards June…
“Tacoma City Council Agenda News for Tuesday, April 18, 2000.”