The Census Bureau is launching a massive address canvassing operation to verify and update more than 145 million addresses as…
Washingtonians pay less state and local tax relative to their incomes than residents of 36 other states, according to figures…
Washington’s state and local taxes were the 29th-lowest in the country during Fiscal Year 2004, according to figures just published…
As Tacomas population grows, its fire department faces difficulties responding to emergency service needs, according to top officials within the…
An increase of 1.1 percent was reported for 2003.
Unemployment in Washington rose one tenth of a percentage point in July to 4.7 percent.
The state’s unemployment rate grew one tenth of a percentage point in June 4.5 percent to 4.6 percent. The figure…
Strong job growth and a comparable increase in the labor force kept Washington’s unemployment rate nearly steady in May.
“The U.S. Commerce Departments Census Bureau has released a compendium for the millennium, a statistical abstract highlighting 20th Century changes.”
Washington State has had the largest increase in filers for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit nationwide.