Pierce Transit riders need to be prepared for significant service changes beginning Sun., Oct. 2, when bus service undergoes considerable…
Due to construction on the Murray Morgan Bridge, traffic flaggers will be directing traffic on Dock Street on Sept. 13-14…
Repairs to the fountain at Larry Frost Memorial Park in downtown Tacoma are slated to be completed next week, according…
Tacoma Power and the Skokomish Tribe jointly held an event Sept. 9 to celebrate the transfer of land and money…
After a two-month delay, the new Link light rail stations near South 11th Street and Commerce Street will open on…
Representatives of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), City of Bonney Lake, 31st Legislative District, Governor Gregoire’s office, and…
Here are the top five stories / pages read by visitors to the Tacoma Daily Index’s Web site during the…
Here are the top 10 stories / pages read by visitors to the Tacoma Daily Index’s Web site during the…
The cutting-edge, $22 million, eco-friendly Center for Urban Waters on the east side of Thea Foss Waterway — with its…
The City of Tacoma won a 2011 VISION 2040 Award from the Puget Sound Regional Council for its Mobility Master…
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded nearly $1.2 million to the City of Tacoma for the $4.1 million…
Supporters of the 700-pound, seven-foot-tall, $122,000 bronze Goddess of Commerce statue will publicly unveil the object on Weds., Aug. 31…
Tacoma City Council is scheduled to vote later today on a resolution that would turn a vacant, city-owned piece of…