His speech on corporate alignment will be held at this year’s Business Expo.
A giant American flag is raised and a peace globe is unveiled at yesterday’s Harbor Flag Dedication ceremony remembering the…
Recalling that strange, terrible Tuesday morning when America found itself under attack.
Ceremonies will be held in Tacoma, as well as surrounding cities, towns and neighborhoods.
Random thoughts about that horrible day in September and its aftermath.
Mark Constantine, IFC North American Business Development Officer, will address the organization on Sept. 29.
Patriotism and pathos mark the Sept. 11 remembrance in Tacoma.
The public is invited to a gather at Cheney Stadium on the anniversary of last year’s terrorist attacks.
The city joins over 300 other World Trade Centers around the world focusing on unity and the promotion of international…
Celebrate global trade on June 12.
The general manager of Globe Machine will address the organization this week.
The 123 workers who died on the job in 2001 were remembered at a ceremony held by the Department of…
Representatives from South Korea, Hungary, Vietnam – and possibly Turkey – will come to the city during the month of…