Web site, community meetings aim to engage Tacoma residents with City budget process

The City of Tacoma has launched a Web site to provide information on how its budget is structured, offer updates on the 2015-2016 Biennial Budget development process, and share ways for Tacoma residents to engage with the City online throughout the process — including a survey and a tool that enables visitors to create, visualize and submit different budget scenarios. The new Web site is online at budget.cityoftacoma.org.

As the City of Tacoma develops its 2015-2016 Biennial Budget, members of the community are invited to participate in the following upcoming budget input meetings:


Revenues are projected to grow at two percent, but expenses are projected to grow at a faster rate, according to City of Tacoma staff. In order to maintain the levels of service provided by the City’s General Fund today, the difference between revenues and expenses is projected to be approximately $6 million in 2015-2016. This shortfall increases substantially if the City were to address deferred maintenance issues that have been delayed and provide funding for other capital and services, according to City of Tacoma staff.

The City is looking for ways to close the gap between revenues and expenditures by balancing the need for savings with the effective delivery of core services. Additionally, the City is working to prioritize funding between existing services, deferred maintenance, and new and expanded services, according to City of Tacoma staff.

A second series of Budget Input Meetings is anticipated to begin in mid-October, shortly after the Proposed 2015-2016 Biennial Budget has been sent to Tacoma City Council.